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Section 6.7 Plot Formatting and Style

What are the major deficiencies of the plots that I have been showing?
Poor style! No axes labels, title, or other information that tells you what the data are that I am displaying.
The plot command gives you only a bare plot. There are two ways to add information to your plots: interactively and by using built-in commands, the latter being of most use in programming.

Subsection 6.7.1 Interactive Method

After creating your plot, you can interactively add features to it, including axis labels, a title, a legend, a colorbar, text, lines, arrows, and more.
These changes that you make to your plot interactively are not saved.

Subsection 6.7.2 Plot Formatting Commands

Plot formatting commands can be used to add features to your plots without needing to interactively add them each time a plot is created.
  • >> xlabel('text for x-axis label')
  • >> ylabel('text for y axis label')
  • >> title('text for a plot title')
  • >> text(x,y, 'text placed on plot at position (x,y)')
Text in labels can be formatted using commands. These are text modifiers that appear in the string, similar to escape sequences. Modifiers affect single characters or groups of characters that are bracketed {}.

Subsection 6.7.3 Commands

Here are a few useful commands to get you started!
Table 6.5. Text Modifiers
Text Modifiers
\bf bold face text
\it italic text
\rm normal text
^ superscript
_ subscript (underscore)
Table 6.6. Greek Symbols
Greek Symbols
\alpha \(\alpha\) \sigma \(\sigma\)
\beta \(\beta\) \Delta \(\Delta\)
\gamma \(\gamma\) \Gamma \(\Gamma\)
\theta \(\theta\) \Lambda \(\Lambda\)
\pi \(\pi\) \Omega \(\Omega\)
For example:
>> xlabel('{\bf Frequency} (s^{-1})')
>> ylabel('{\bf Conductivity} (\Omega^{-1}  m^{-1})')

Subsection 6.7.4 Legend

With multiple graphs in a single plot it is often necessary to identify each graph in a legend.
>> legend('string1','string2’,...., ‘Location’, Value)
Table 6.7. Legend Locations
Legend Locations
'eastoutside' outside right
'best' least interference
'northeast' upper right (default)
'northwest' upper left
'southwest' lower left
'southeast' lower right
>> legend('cos(x)', 'sin(x)', 'cos(x)*sin(x)', 'location', 'southeast')

Subsection 6.7.5 Additional Text Properties

Several other properties of the text in the text command can be modified using PropertyName and PropertyValues.
>> text(x,y, 'text', 'PropertyName', PropertyValue)
Table 6.8. Text Formatting
Property Name Effect
Rotation orientation of text
Fontsize size of font in points (10 default)
Color color of text from table
Linewidth width of line around text (0.5 default)
EdgeColor color of line around text
and others...
>> text(1,-.5,'some text here!', 'Rotation',45)
>> text(7,-.5,'or here!', 'Rotation',-45, 'Color','r')

Subsection 6.7.6 Axes and Grid

When a plot is created the axes are scaled according to the minimum and maximum values over which the abscissa and ordinate ranges.
It is possible to change the range of values over which the data is plotted using the axis() command.
Table 6.9. Axis and Grid Functions
Function Effect
axis() specify the ranges explicitly
axis equal use the same scale for both x and y
axis square make the plot square
axis tight make limits exactly range of data
v = axis gives you limits so that you can use them
grid on turn on a grid
grid off turn off the grid (default)
>> axis([-pi/2,7*pi/2, -1.5,1.5])
>> axis square
>> grid on