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Section 7.7 The for loop

The MATLAB for loop repeats a given set of commands a specified number of times. MATLAB offers a few more options for the loop counter as compared to C. Take a look at these examples:
The for-end loop syntax:
for k = f:s:t     % loop over all values of k from f to t in steps of s

for k = f:t       % default step is 1

for k = [7 9 -1 3 3 5]  % can specify array of values: 
    commands            % loop repeats once  for each value of the given vector
As in C, you loops can be nested. Here is an example:
Recall the program we worked on in C to print a list of factorials:
      #include <stdio.h>
      int main(void) {
        int N, i, fact;

        for (N=1; N<=10; N++) {
           fact = 1;
           for (i=1; i<=N; i++) {
               fact = fact*i;
           printf("%d! = %d\n", N, fact);
        return 0;
This program computes and prints a list of the factorials from 1 to 10. We can translate this code into MATLAB:
for N = 1:10
   fact = 1;
   for i = 1:N
      fact = fact*i;
   fprintf('%d! = %d\n', N, fact)
But this is MATLAB! Of course we don’t really need to calculate our own factorial since there is a built-in function for that:
for N = 1:10
   fprintf('%d! = %d\n', N, factorial(N))
And while we are at it, because MATLAB is vectorized we don’t even need the loop:
N = 1:10;
fprintf('%d! = %d\n', [N; factorial(N)])