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Index Index

abscissa, Paragraph
addition, Paragraph
anonymous function, Paragraph
vectorized, Section
ans, Item
array, Paragraph
adding elements, Section
addressing, Item
deleting elements, Section
transposing, Paragraph
break command, Paragraph
built-in functions, Section
array, Section
elementary math, Section
logical operator, Table
matrix, Subsection
random number, Paragraph
rounding, Table
trigonometric, Section
vector, Subsection
current directory, Paragraph
curve fitting, Paragraph
display formats, Table
dot operator, Paragraph
element-by-element calculations, Paragraph
external language interface, Paragraph
for loop, Paragraph
fscanf(), Paragraph
Gaussian elimination, Paragraph
histogram, Table
import data, Paragraph
interpolation, Paragraph
load(), Paragraph
logical vector, Paragraph
comparison, Table
MATLAB®, Paragraph
Command Window, Figure
matrix, Paragraph
determinant, Section
inverse, Paragraph
multiplication, Paragraph
scalar multiplication, Paragraph
precedence, Table
operators, Table
arithmetic, Table
relational and equality, Table
disp(), Paragraph
format, Section
fprintf(), Paragraph Paragraph
plot, Paragraph
axis and grid, Table
functions, Paragraph
Greek symbols, Table
hold on/hold off, Paragraph
labels, Subsection
modifiers, Table
legend, Subsection
line specifiers, Table
line(), Paragraph
properties, Table
simple, Paragraph
single variable, Paragraph
text formatting, Table
polynomial, Paragraph
add, Paragraph
derivative, Paragraph
divide, Paragraph
evaluate, Paragraph
multiply, Paragraph
plot, Paragraph
roots, Paragraph
script files, Item
run, Paragraph
search path, Paragraph
string, Paragraph
array, Paragraph
string Arrays, Paragraph
input, Paragraph
subplot(), Paragraph
subtraction, Paragraph
suppress output, Item
switch-case command, Paragraph
three-dimensional plot, Paragraph
azimuth, Paragraph
elevation, Paragraph
surfaces, Paragraph
view, Paragraph
declaring, Paragraph
managing, Table
naming, Subsection
zeros, Paragraph